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Do Good Spotlight: Because We Care


Community Organization: The Kindness Campaign

Community: Auburn Gresham, Chatham, Greater Grand Crossing, Park Manor

Good Doings: Performing acts of kindness that inspire others to reimagine themselves, others and their futures.

Because We Care

When people are going through the toughest challenges in their lives, why wouldn’t we want to make things as easy and affirming as possible? In the moments of our greatest hardships, it is the fuel of hope and dignity that gets us the other side, to help us reach our best selves.

I fell in love with The Kindness Campaign after reading a flyer they circulated during the height of the pandemic, when people were really struggling. “Free Food! No I.D. or forms are required. The only questions we ask are how much do you want and do you need help carrying it?”

I LOVED it!! You may not know, but accessing support services is too often a humiliating, dehumanizing, difficult process. What I loved so much about the flier is it switched up the narrative – you are not here for a handout; WE are here to SERVE YOU.

And that’s what underlies so much of what The Kindness Campaign is about, changing the narrative by leading with acts of kindness to ignite compassion and a belief in possibilities that so many of us are privileged enough to take for granted.

Young people in their afterschool program aren't at-risk, they are AT-PROMISE.

Community residents aren’t recipients, they are BENEFICIARIES.

Community saftey is more than crime and violence prevention, but a call for PUBLIC EQUITY.

Of course, what The Kindness Campaign brings into the world is more than just words. Led by founder and executive director Christopher Watts (who, by the way, has a “day job” in human resources and financial management!), The Kindness Campaign puts caring into action.

"The Kindness Campaign is here to help. People tell us what they need and

we use our resources and influence to let THEM lead the trajectory of their community."

"When I walk down the street [on the northside} I see public entertainment, kids being engaged. We need to do that on the southside. They gave us the blueprint for

how to build up, to have a peaceful, safe, thriving community.

So I look at what they do and try to do better."

" When you dream, you have hope. When you have hope, you achieve."

- Christopher Watts, The Kindness Campaign, Founder and Executive Director


The Kindness Campaign is fueled by community members and has many ways to get invovled - to put caring into acts of kindness.

Spread the Word: Check out the flyers below to see upcoming events and share with those you think could benefit. Follow The Kindness Campaign on Facebook to keep up with all the ways they are keeping their promise to the community to create opportunity.

Volunteer: Feel like rolling up your sleeves? The more hands the better and there are lots of ways to get invovled -- initiatives include Everyone Against Racism, Team Up to Clean Up, Kindness Kupboard, Community Opportunity and Empowerment !! The Kindness Campaign considers volunteers "outstanding members" and you can email to connect to opportunities or visit their website HERE

Donate: Whether financial, in-kind or talent, there are so many ways you can support The Kindness Campaign's work. From food to feminine hygenie products, back packs and flowers, to financial literacy, health and wellness or magic tricks, there are many ways you can contribute to kindness.

Do An Act of Kindness, Just Because You Care.

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